Update for 3/26/2021


Good evening,

Spring is here! More and more of us are vaccinated every week against Covid 19, and for the first time in three weeks, our per 100,000 numbers are better. In the week ended March 20, the number fell to 15.2 per 100,000 over the two-week period. We continue to have in-person learning, and I realize talking to people around the state that we should not take the significance of that for granted.

It has been an incredibly busy week at Town Hall. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday night were all spent working with the Board of Finance on finalizing a budget to put to the town. That will be finalized in the next few weeks. 

After a long hiatus, we had our first Town Meeting in almost two years. Thanks to Maureen Williams for moderating.  A good discussion of the issues was had, and although the in-person turn out for the budget public hearing the night before was lighter, the turn out for the Town Meeting was better. Those not in attendance were able to watch, and those who wanted to be heard had statements read into the record. 

That was indicative of our comfort in starting to return to normal. It also allows us to begin to clear the back log in the town’s business that we need to work on. All of the questions discussed will be on the referendum on Tuesday, March 30, from 6 a.m.to 8 p.m. at Samuel Staples Elementary School. The issues being voted on are appropriations for state-mandated police body and dash cameras, an ordinance change adjusting Senior Tax Relief, an ordinance change to increase the stipends we pay our volunteer EMS workers and firefighters, joining the Westport Weston Health District and an advisory question to allocate a portion of the cost of building a multi-use path along Sport Hill Road. All these questions were placed on the agenda for the Town Meeting and vote by unanimous approval of the Board of Selectmen.

I have always refrained from expressing my opinion in these posts. I will, however, implore all of you to learn the issues, come to the referendum and vote. We are stronger as a town when all of us participate. You are the legislators of the town. Please exercise your rights and duties.

Lastly, today I signed yet another 100th birthday card. This is the fourth hundredth birthday since I became first selectman. How is that possible? Must be something in the water!

Have a great weekend, 

Dave Bindelglass

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