I bring a no-nonsense, practical approach to the board. I have an optimistic, can-do attitude and will bring energy and creativity. I listen with curiosity and, as a parent to three children in the school system, I have a singular interest in ensuring the school provides a strong, well rounded education for our children.

We have a unique opportunity here in Easton to provide a highly competitive school system in an enchanting rural environment. With the proper guidance, our children will have global options and may never have to leave to compete in this new market.

The days are gone where our children will have to travel to obtain well paying jobs, but we have work to do to ensure that they are well positioned to take advantage of these new opportunities. I believe that due to my specific experience and expertise in the private sector, I can provide a unique and forward-thinking perspective to the Board of Education.

I am passionate about this community and see a very bright future for Easton if we can move forward together with creativity and positivity. I appreciate your consideration on Nov. 2.

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