The newest recipe from the Congregational Church of Easton Friends and Family cookbook is available. Try these fun recipes, as a great way to keep yourselves busy during this stressful time of quarantine.

As families are having considerably more time of togetherness which can be a great opportunity for bonding, we also understand this can also magnify existing stresses and irritations, so we hope that you will consider instituting times of meditation, prayer, and perhaps seeking God through online or in person worship, as a way to offer peace, relief, and hope.

To join us for Sunday morning worship this Sunday, just click on the button in the notification bar on our church website at We hope to offer up hope for tomorrow, strength in a time of need, and peace during a time of heightened stresses and upheaval.

Remember, Christ offers comfort and peace to all who come seeking. So even if you have questions, are unsure what you believe, non-committal, or just curious, all people are welcome to join us, as we search together for a connection to something more in life.

Vegetable Cheese Bake

Submitted by: Cyndie S (Massachusetts)
Preheat oven to: 350°F

Dice together:
2 red potatoes, 1 diced zucchini, mushrooms, green pepper, onion, and garlic. Add to skillet with ½ cup vegetable oil and sauté.
Add 1½ cups barbecue sauce, ½ cup burgundy, ½ teaspoon thyme. Mix together. Cook for 10 minutes.
Place in casserole dish, top with 4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese.
Bake for 15 minutes at 350°F.

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