To the Editor:

For over three months, I’ve been trying to get the Board of Selectpersons to say yes to my pilot proposal to grow hemp. It is legal to grow, and there are others who are growing it in town. I offered the town 20% of net revenues, after expenses.

This is the only proposal that has been brought to the town in my 22 years here that was revenue positive for the town, with no risk or cost to the town, and continues the town’s farming tradition. There are no reasons why this shouldn’t be approved.

The land is vacant, and as a member of the South Park Advisory Commission, I know that there currently are no other proposals for use of that land. At the BOS meeting of June 3 I and others asked for a specific reason why they would not approve this use of the town-owned land at South Park. We got no answer.

Jeff Becker


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