Dennis Scofield drives the Easton Senior Center van. You may have seen him around town taking seniors to doctor’s appointments, the grocery store or out to lunch. He’s been on the job for years and seniors appreciate him. But it’s really Scofield who appreciates them.

“My benefit is the appreciation that I get, the thank you,” said Scofield. “I get home and want to do it all over again the next day.”

Scofield only wishes he had started working at the senior center sooner. “I was meant to do this job,” he said. “You get to know people and you’re like family to them.”

Dennis Scofield – Photo by CJ Calcinari

Scofield does more than usher the seniors to their doctor’s appointments and errands. Once a month he takes a group of ladies out to lunch in towns nearby. February’s lunch spot was Archie Moore’s in Fairfield.

Laurie Miller loves going to the monthly lunches with Scofield and the other seniors. His outgoing and friendly character makes the outings fun. And he is nice, Miller said. “If you need help, he is there to help.”

Even when Scofield isn’t driving the van he helps any senior in need. He once installed an accessibility ramp at a senior’s home to help her get in and out of her house. He beamed with pride recalling how happy the woman was when she saw the ramp installed.

“When the lady came home that Monday and saw the ramp, she actually broke down crying because she had a way to get into her house,” said Scofield. “When everyone else is saying I’ll leave it to somebody else, let someone else do it, I did it.” 

Dennis Scofield assisting one of his passengers. – Photo by Emma Grimes

Scofield hopes to make a positive impact in people’s lives and make sure that they know that they are not alone. 

“I want everyone to know that they have a place to call, if not the senior center, then they can call me personally,” said Scofield. “They can talk to me like friends do and differently than they talk to their family.”

The Easton Senior Center Director Val Buckley said that she is lucky to have such a wonderful volunteer staff. 

“After 34 years on the job I have been unbelievably lucky to work with so many wonderful people that help keep the center, the transportation, and every aspect of the senior center running smoothly,” said Buckley. “I really couldn’t do without them and Dennis is no exception.”

Scofield and seniors will also soon be riding in a new van for the Easton Senior Center. Although the pandemic had delayed its arrival, the new van will to continue to improve the quality of life for many retirees, seniors and physically challenged adults in the Easton community for many years to come.

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